Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Besigye’s remarks about bahima were outrageous

SIR — I wish to comment on your story “Besigye slams Bahima” published on Monday. The outrageous comments of the FDC leader is a clear signal that his plea for power is not to unite ugandans but cluster them into tribal, religious and racial sects. I don’t know whether Besigye’s was correctly quoted. He does not only owe an apology to the bahima but all ugandans. How many bahima own land in kampala. Besigye owns a very big ranch in kasangati. if it is true that land is being grabbed in kampala what yardstick did he use to establish that so and so is a muhima or not? He justified his malicious comments with prof. Gilbert Bukenya’s on the presence of ‘mafia’in Government. Bukenya did not classify people in his comments. His attack was generally about corrupt leaders in the country where even Besigye could have been involved. Emmanuel Sunday Kampala

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